8 Cricketers found Guilty of Doping


Definition of ‘doping’ according to World Anti-Doping Agency is very elaborate, but the common understanding of doping in sport is the usage of performance enhancing drugs for achieving glory in the game. WADA has maintained a prohibition list forbidding the players from using banned drugs and a comprehensive dope test system has been initialized but despite presence of extremely strict rules and awareness campaigns, every year players from different sports get into the headlines on the pretext of using drugs. Like all other sports, Cricketers have also had their share of infamy as some cricketers have been tested positive with the performance enhancing drugs and many of them were banned just before the start of events like World Cup, Champions Trophy etc.

Let’s read about 8 of those cricketers who were suspended or banned for doping at some part of their career and you would be surprised to see legends of the so called Gentleman’s game, in our list.

#1 Ian Botham

Ian Botham

Yes, you read it right! In 1989, Sir Ian Botham was banned for smoking. The charges initially denied by Ian Botham were later accepted by him in a interview. Botham was the all time great legendary star performer of English team. He remained the Test captain of England team. He served a mere 63 day ban and joined the team ever more brilliantly, though his absence costed England series against India and Kiwis. In 12 balls after his comeback, he broke Lillee’s Most Test Wicket’s record.


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